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Charitable Projects

The Charitable Projects Committee administers the Charitable Projects Fund for Shaker Lakes Garden Club. An endowment and generous annual contributions from members and friends enable SLGC to make gifts to organizations that support our mission to educate and promote activities related to environmental protection, conservation, horticulture, and gardening. Applications from the community, with endorsement by a Club member, are due on February 1 each year. The Committee weighs the merits, as well as our capacity to fulfill requests, and awards funds. In this way, we promote the organization’s missions and goals on local and national levels and enable SLGC to make a positive impact on the world.

Winners of the 2022-2023 Charitable Projects Awards:

The Association of African American Cultural Gardens $5000

Nature Center at Shaker Lakes, Ridge trailhead $3500

Spice Field Kitchen, Pollinator Garden $3500

West Creek Conservancy, Propagate native plants for public distribution. $2500

Cleveland Pollinator and Native Plants, Pollinator Garden. $2500

Cleveland Metroparks, Monarch Waystation. $975

Doan Brook Watershed Partnership, Remove invasives in gorge. $900

Audubon Society of Greater Cleveland, Remove invasives in Novak Sanctuary $800

Cleveland Metropolitan School District, Buster’s Bird Nerds, student backpacks $675

Grosscup Scholarship. $3025

Thank you to all who donated to the Charitable Projects Fund in 2022-2023.

We are accepting donations now to make our 2023-24 awards.

Download the 2023-2024 Shaker Lakes Garden Club Request for Proposal Form.